Resources for Single Christians

Home Writer Submissions

Writer Submissions

Submit an Article: Writer Submissions Guidelines

We appreciate your interest in writing for Single Christianity Magazine. We welcome new writers and new ideas.

Our Purpose

Single Christianity’s vision is to encourage, equip, and inspire single Christians to live out daily joy and contentment through Jesus Christ.

Our Readers

Single Christianity’s readers are men and women who are single and between the ages of 25 – 65. They are serious about connecting with other singles, growing in the knowledge of Christ, and living out their lives in daily joy.

Our Tone

Single Christianity’s articles need to offer first-hand, honest, biblical perspectives on a single’s life, relationships, faith, and ministry. Any anecdotes should be real-life only. Articles need to contain a distinctly evangelical Christian perspective. When quoting scripture we recommend using Message, English Standard, or New Living Translations. Our articles don’t shy from covering tough issues singles face. Life is messy and complex; we seek to acknowledge that by avoiding pat answers and formulaic conclusions and look for authors who do the same.

Our Writers

Single Christianity strives to respond to all queries within 1-2 weeks of submission.

Editors reserve the right to reject any article at any stage.

Our Editorial Needs

Single Christianity’s publishes articles on various themes and include Life, love, faith, and gray areas.  All articles should be between 500 and 1,000 words.

7 Quick Guidelines

  1. All author submissions must use this form
  2. Limit articles to 2000 words.
  3. Only upload articles as a Microsoft word document.
  4. There will be NO payment for articles published in Christian Single Magazine. The author retains the copyright and will be given full credit with links to their website or social channels.
  5. Only submit one Article.
  6. Please send NEVER BEFORE published articles only! (We like to try to keep our material fresh)
  7. We reserve the right to edit articles for publication if necessary.

Submissions Form