Resources for Single Christians

He Knows My Name

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He Knows My Name – Recently a friend and I were driving and he exclaimed “You’ve got to hear this song!” He reached down to the iPhone connector in my car, plugged in his phone and Francesca Battistelli’s song, “He Knows My Name” started playing. Needless to say, I almost slammed on the breaks as the reality of her words hit home.

Every human has a longing that calls to truly be known in relationship. Being single, we tend to know that feeling all too well. To have a girl wake up and notice the man I had become was almost a vice in my life, as I pursued it rather than God and his call. The reality is that there is someone regardless of our marital status who truly knows us. He is greater than any man or women, greater than any feeling of being loved by another human being, and holds greater title to the world and eternity. He is bigger than the President, more powerful than the richest man alive. Stop and allow your mind to realize how big that is. For me, everything else fades.

The God of the Universe, the one who created it all, knows my name; knows YOUR name, and wants to walk through all parts of life with us. Ultimately married or single we all must come to that conclusion that God knows us and wants relationship with us. Also, that our efforts to run after the things we think will fulfill us, only provide temporary distractions from true joy.
None of us deserve a God who is intimately involved with knowing us, and still wants to use the little we have for eternal earmarks.

Today as you sit back and listen to this song I would ask only one thing; that you put everything you are running after, with respect to relationships and feeling loved, in the light of a God who knows your name and wants nothing more than for you to know his. When you think of the vastness of eternity, nothing compares to drawing close to his loved extended.