Resources for Single Christians

February 14th is coming

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February 14th is coming – Just another day on the calendar for some but for the romantic and lovers of Love, it’s a day that can create great bliss or great angst, depending on the current status of your love-life.

Whether we admit it or not – Valentine’s Day is a day that’s always been about celebrating love and romance.

Even in 3rd or 4th grade, I can remember exchanging red valentine cards with some of the cute boys in my class along with eating candy hearts with sayings like, “Hug Me, Love You and Kiss Me.”

As I got older, having a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day insured one or more of the following: roses, candy, dinner and possibly even jewelry! It was better than Christmas!

As my relationship with the Lord grew stronger and I began to be more selective about who I dated, Valentines Days would come and go with just a mere glance – I would try to ignore it as silly and not important- while deep down wishing I had a true love to celebrate.

Interestingly, my last serious relationship began with a first date on February 18th, 4 days after the dreaded or celebrated day and ended almost one year later on February 7th! Seven days before Valentine’s Day! I missed Valentine’s Day both years! First by 4 days and the following year by just a week! How did this happen?

And to make matters worse, my lovely neighbor put a gorgeous red heart wreath on her door to celebrate the day of “Love” – a constant reminder that Love was still at her house…but not at mine. To say I was heart- broken doesn’t even scratch the surface.

Looking back, I think God was sending me a message – a message I didn’t want to hear at the time but I now appreciate. This man was not my Valentine. He was not my true love. God, who is jealous over us and who is deeply interested in who we give our hearts to – didn’t want me celebrating Valentine’s Day – with a guy who had only given me a sliver of his heart.

Ladies (and guys), Yes, Valentine’s Day is just a day – but it’s a reminder to me that God has the real deal for me. Someone who is worthy of my heart and who is also willing to invest his whole heart. I settled for a guy who gave me half a heart and I was miserable.

I now love that fact that God never let him be my valentine because he wasn’t worthy, he didn’t have what it took.
This year, although I’m still single, I’m celebrating Valentine’s Day by going to a black-tie gala with a girlfriend. What girl doesn’t like to get all dressed up in a long gown and just enjoy being a woman! (and you never know who you might meet!) I’ll also be going to dinner earlier in the week with several single girlfriends whom I pray with on a regular basis, just to celebrate being young, single and the fact that we’re all waiting on God’s best.

The truth is, although culture and tradition tell us Valentine’s Day is a day for lovers – it’s really what you make it. This year, I choose to remember that God’s love is extravagant! Those who wait on Him will not be disappointed and best of all, He will not let me settle for a lukewarm, half-hearted love! Especially on Valentine’s Day!

If you’d like to hear more of my story and more relationship do’s and don’ts, Get my book, “You Are a Prize to be Won! Don’t settle for less than God’s Best.” Buy now:

Photo By: Jessica Htam

Wendy Griffith is a co-host of the 700 Club and an Anchor/Reporter for the Christian Broadcasting Network. She also co-anchors two other shows for CBN: Christian World News, a weekly show that focuses on the challenges facing the global church, and CBN Newswatch, a daily 30-minute newscast seen on networks throughout the country and on Wendy is the coauthor, with Craig Buseck, of Praying the News. Wendy reports on a wide range of issues for CBN News and Christian World News. After a year as the network’s Congressional Correspondent on Capitol Hill, she moved to the Virginia Beach headquarters in 2000 to concentrate on stories with a more spiritual emphasis. She has also traveled internationally, covering stories such as the hostage drama of missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham in the Philippines, the spiritual crisis over homosexuality in the Episcopal Church, and more recently the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah in northern Israel. She began her television career at NBC affiliate KYEL-TV in Yuma, Ariz., in 1987 after graduating from West Virginia University in 1986 with a B.S. in Journalism. She then went on to work in several television markets across the country as an anchor/reporter, including NBC affiliate WCYB-TV in Bristol, Va.; ABC affiliate WCHS-TV in Charleston, W.Va.; and NBC affiliate WTVO-TV in Rockford, Ill. After nearly two years in Rockford, she returned to Charleston, her hometown and West Virginia’s capitol city, to co-anchor the 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. newscasts for WCHS-TV. Her position there opened the door to an opportunity to serve as press secretary and later special events coordinator to former West Virginia Gov. Cecil H. Underwood.

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